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Does Harbor Freight Hire Felons?

When applying for a position within the tool giant, it is only natural to ask, does Harbor Freight hire felons? Even if you aren’t a felon, you must think about the fact that you might be working with a felon.

Regardless scoring a job with a reputable and reliable employer is harder than ever these days, and it always pays to know what you are up against before applying.

At the very least, you’ll have a leg up against the competition. So, here’s what you need to know about Harbor Freight’s hiring process.

Does Harbor Freight Hire Felons 2025: Your Complete Guide

Does Harbor Freight Hire Felons

Before you learn about Harbor Freight’s hiring procedures and regulations, it’s best to get an understanding of the company.

How it got its start, where it came from, and how it developed into the tool giant that it is today. In the grand scheme of things, Harbor Freight could still be considered somewhat of a new company.

Getting its start in 1977, the corporation is not even 100 years old. The company was founded by the father and son team, Allan and Eric Smidt.

They started this salvage company in Northern Hollywood, California in a small warehouse with high hopes. The duo started the store with a mail-order tool liquidation vision and built the company into the giant that it is today.

Today, the corporation is most widely known for putting affordable hardworking, quality tools in the hands of the hardworking men and women that need them.

If you are a smaller construction company or just starting out and in need of a break, shop at Harbor Freight. You’ll find hardworking reliable tools at just a fraction of the name brand products.

The father and son’s vision was to put reliable, quality tools in the hands of the men and women that need them most. And with over 1,000 stores nationwide and 40 million satisfied customers, it is probably safe to say that they succeeded.

The company has stayed so true to its original mission statement over the years that they are still family-owned. That’s’ right, the Smidt family still owns and operates the biggest portion of the corporate business. 

Employment Opportunity Within The Company

Harbor Freight is not only fair and diverse in their hiring, but they offer a fair and diverse work environment. Anyone that applies for a position within the company will be afforded the opportunity to walk one of four career paths.

Although most individuals will start in the retail section, you can later migrate retail to distribution, management, or quality customer assistance. 

Retail Positions – As you can imagine, Harbor Freight retail positions will consist of working within the physical outlets. You could end up doing anything from running the register to stocking and unloading.

Depending on the layout of the store, its size, and design, you might even end up doing a mixture of all. Regardless, retail is where most individuals start. 

Distribution – If you aren’t so customer-oriented, Harbor Freight distribution might be the career path for you. With a career in distribution, you might go years without having to interact with customers.

That being said, it might even be possible to get a start in the distribution center. It just depends on their demand. Distribution will mostly consist of working in the warehouses where you’ll stock, load, unload, and rotate wares. 

Quality Customer Associates – Regardless of the size and day-to-day operations of a company, there always needs to be someone behind the curtains, pulling the strings. That is exactly where the customer associates come into play. As a customer associate, you will be required to be very customer-oriented.

However, you won’t likely physically interact with customers. You’ll most likely be speaking to them on the end of a phone. Helping them with questions or technical troubleshooting. 

Corporate Management – While most employees will not start out in the management field, you can work your way there. You might get there after just a few short years or you might never see a management position.

It honestly depends on your work ethic and attitude. Management is not for everyone, and it can be harder than you’d imagine. Managers are responsible for the oversight of employees, budgets, and work schedules.

Related: Does Harbor Freight Drug Test?

Can Felons Get A Job At Harbor Freight?

The best policy with Harbor Freight is honesty. Never lie on a job application or to an employer because the chances of them uncovering the truth are very good. And when they do uncover the truth, you will likely be fired for your dishonesty.

It is only natural to be ashamed of a past criminal record, but Harbor Freight offers everyone an equal employment opportunity.

They aren’t going to automatically disqualify you from a position just because you’ve committed a criminal act. Just like every applicant, you will be granted the chance to explain your past grievances. If your felony was seven years or older, it might not even show up on the background check.

Most typical Harbor Freight background checks only go back seven years. Of course, this can vary depending on the type of position.

If you are trying for management or security, you might be more heavily scrutinized. That said, most traditional background checks only go back seven years and scan for criminal, credit, and previous working history. 

People Also Asked;

Is Harbor Freight Felony Friendly?

Harbor Freight is highly known as an equal opportunity employer. Every individual that puts in an application is granted an equal and fair opportunity to score reliable employment. That said, Harbor Freight does have to take its customer’s and employees’ safety into consideration.

Therefore, if you are a previous felon with theft, violent tendencies, or irrational sexual desires, you will likely be disqualified from a position within the company. This doesn’t mean you won’t be considered.

Harbor Freight does hire and currently employs felons. It honestly comes down to the type of criminal offense you committed and when you committed it. Everyone deserves a fresh start, and Harbor Freight is more than willing to provide it.

Does Harbor Freight Do Background Checks For Employment?

Harbor Freight is an equal opportunity employer, but they do need to keep their employee’s and customers’ well-being in mind.

Therefore, they will screen, and background checks all potential employees. Now, this doesn’t mean you will be disqualified because you have a questionable background. 

Can You Get Rehired At Harbor Freight?

Yes, it is possible to get rehired within Harbor Freight. Heck, you might even be granted your previous position. It depends on how and when you left the company. If you left on amicable terms, you will more than likely be considered for a similar position.

Even if you left on somewhat negative terms, the company might be willing to hire you back. However, if you committed theft, violence, or got caught with drugs, you will likely not be considered.

At What Age Does Harbor Freight Hire?

All applicants for a position within Harbor Freight must be 18 years or older. With that in mind, there are no minimum age requirements for specific roles within the company.

That simply means if you are old enough to score a position within Harbor Freight, you are old enough to work anywhere within the company. The potential for growth and success is nearly unlimited for the right applicants.

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