Are you looking for list of Apartments that accept felons near me? While there are plenty of apartments renting to felons, many are not willing to accept felon tenants. Therefore, felons have to dig a little deeper to find out which housing will offer them rentals and which to avoid.
Otherwise, you may end up spending too much time applying to apartment complexes that won’t accept you anyway. Which apartment complexes accept felons? Is there felon-friendly housing near me? Where can one find housing for felons and their families?
How you can be positive that your local apartment complex will accept you despite your criminal record? Continue reading the guide below to find out about possible felon-friendly apartments near me.
How to find List of Apartments That Accept Felons Near Me in 2025
Finding Felony approved apartments near me is not an easy task. Felons must remember that rental managers have the right to run background checks on applicants.
Therefore, the apartment complex is going to find out about your criminal record at some point. Nevertheless, this may not stop them from renting to you.
If you’re worried that your criminal record is going to hold you back, you should pick apartment complexes that regularly rent to felon applicants. Use the advice below to ensure that you can easily find felon-friendly apartment complexes.
See Also: Apartments for rent that accept evictions
#1. Check Zillow
First, you should make sure that you check Zillow. The website provides information about rentals as well as homes for sale. Zillow can be accessed on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
The website has a convenient interface so you’ll have no trouble finding rentals in your area. You’ll also find that each rental unit offers precise information about it.
The rental page might tell you whether the company offers rentals to felons. Otherwise, you can call them directly to find out.
You might be able to use Zillow to find rentals that do not require background checks. It is a good idea to focus on these rentals to boost your chances of getting a job more quickly.
#2. Craigslist
You have to be very careful when using Craigslist when searching for felon-friendly apartments for rent. The website has a lot of scammers so users have to be very cautious.
Nevertheless, you can still find suitable rentals on Craigslist. When you use this website, you can guarantee that you’ll be able to find rentals in your area.
Plus, you can find contact information for the rental companies. It is a good idea to contact the companies directly to find out what is available in your area. Plus, you can find out whether the company accepts felons.
Again, it is best to only apply for apartments that rent to felons. Otherwise, you’re going to end up wasting your time. Just remember to be careful when using Craigslist because you might give your private information to a scammer.
#3. Zumper
Although Zumper isn’t as popular, it can still be used to find rentals in your area. The search engine is great for this purpose. When you use this website, you will easily find out which rentals are felon-friendly.
They will be listed as such in the description. When looking for houses for rent no background check, these rentals usually do not require a background check, but they might. Therefore, you should never lie when applying for a rental through this website.
#4. website
Finally, you can try using the website. It works great for finding suitable rentals in your area. Nevertheless, you have to understand that some of them are going to rent to felons while others won’t.
Therefore, you’ll have to weed out those that won’t work with convicted felons. It is best to make a list of suitable rentals in your area. Once you’ve done that, you can begin calling these companies directly.
With a quick call, you can find out which companies rent to felons. If a company doesn’t, remove that company from your list.
Understanding Rental Background Checks
Letting someone rent one of your properties is a big undertaking. You have to go above and beyond to ensure that you’re renting to a worthwhile individual. Unfortunately, there is always a risk that someone is going to thrash your rental.
As a result, a lot of rental companies protect their properties by using rental background checks. I can likely find no criminal background check apartments near me, but most will conduct background checks. The company does this to ensure that it is only renting to the best tenants.
Felons could likely create problems for the tenant. Although there is no guarantee, there is a risk that a felony renter is going to grow drugs in the apartment or sell drugs from it. They can also damage the property.
Unfortunately, felons face greater scrutiny because of their past. Regardless, you must remember that you’re going to be background-checked. A lot of rental companies use background checks to pick suitable tenants. Some do not.
Why Do Rental Companies Use Background Checks?
Rental companies take big risks when picking tenants. Although most people are decent individuals, some people have a history of causing problems.
There is always a chance that you’re going to fit into the latter category. The rental company won’t know until it decides to let you rent one of its apartments.
These companies have to go above and beyond to ensure that they’re renting to the best people. They’ll do this by using background checks.
A rental background check can tell the company a lot about you. For instance, the rental company will learn more about your criminal history and employment history. The company can use this information to determine whether you’re a good tenant.
There is no guarantee that you will be, but this information is still helpful. The background check usually doesn’t take long. Regardless, you will have to wait to hear from the company.
Tips For Finding Felony-Friendly Rentals
Are you looking for felony friendly apartments near me? The good news is that many rental companies are happy to accept former felons. If you have enough money to cover the rental costs, you should be able to get the rental.
Nevertheless, you need to specifically work with companies that give rentals to felons. Plenty will. It is wise to use the tips below to find rentals that typically work with felons.
(1). First, you should begin looking for rentals away from the downtown area. Typically, rentals downtown tend to be more popular. Therefore, they’re going to be harder to get.
As a felon, you’ll have to look outside of the downtown area. It is best to search for rentals a few miles away from the downtown area. While you’ll have to drive further, you’ll have a better chance of getting the apartment.
(2). You’ll also want to check for apartments in duplexes and single-family houses. It is common for these rentals to be managed by private landlords. Although there is no guarantee, private landlords tend to be more willing to work with form felons.
(3). In some cases, you may have to settle for a single room or a basement. The demand for such rentals tends to be much lower. Therefore, it should be easier to get one of these rentals. Regardless, you should call ahead of time to make sure they’re willing to work with felons.
(4). Be careful when dealing with large apartment complexes. Typically, these apartments are operated by property managers.
Therefore, they’re going to have stricter rules. Instead, you should pick smaller apartments because they’re likely operated by private landlords. It is always best to deal with private landlords because they usually work with felons.
(5). Always read the rental listing thoroughly. The listing may say whether the rental accepts felons or not. If felons are accepted, you should apply for the rental. Otherwise, you need to move on.
Remember that you may not get an apartment or house. Instead, you’ll also want to search for shared rooms and sublets. You’ll have better luck with these rentals.
Use the advice below to find rentals in your area.
Tips For Getting A Landlord To Rent To You As A Felon
You’ll have to work harder to get a landlord to rent to you because you’re a felon. Nevertheless, you can do it. You need to prove that you’re the best tenant.
Thankfully, you can take steps to improve your chances. There is never a guarantee that you’re going to get the rental, but you can give yourself a better chance.
For instance, you need to prove that you’re going to be a good renter. If you have a history of paying on time and keeping rentals clean, you’ll have a better chance of getting the apartment. Individuals who’ve been evicted numerous times will likely struggle to get more rentals.
You’ll also want to remember that your landlord is looking for certain things. For instance, the landlord wants to make sure that you’re going to pay your rent every month in full. They want a guarantee that you’re going to keep the property in tip-top shape.
Give the landlord peace of mind that you’re going to take care of the rental property. Prove to them that you’ll take care of it and avoid causing any extensive damage. You’ll also want to be easy to work with.
If you have pets or children, it’ll be harder for you to get a rental. If you have a high credit score, you’ll have a better chance of getting the rental. Be careful and always pay your rent on time. Don’t create problems for the landlord because you could lose the rental.
Consider Volunteering
Besides looking for apartments that accept felons, you’ll also want to take steps to increase your value as a tenant. Thankfully, it is easy to achieve this goal. Volunteering can help. When you volunteer, you’re going to be doing something good for someone else.
Whether you’re helping orphans or cleaning up a state park, you’re doing something good. Your efforts will be rewarded. Besides doing something good, you can use this to your benefit.
When you tell the landlord that you’ve been volunteering, they’ll see that you’re a good member of society.
Volunteering offers a handful of benefits. First, you can begin meeting people. You’ll enjoy talking to people from around your state. When you develop strong relationships with these individuals, you can guarantee that you can use this to your benefit.
For instance, someone you meet might be able to help you find a rental. Plus, you might meet a landlord while volunteering in your area. You can likely use your volunteer experience to find new references as well.
Regardless, volunteering can make it easier to find suitable rentals in your area. Tell the landlord that you volunteered because it’ll give you a better chance of getting the apartment.
Felons & Section 8 Housing
Remember that Section 8 housing is available to many Americans living in poverty. However, it might not work for you. It depends on your criminal history and other factors.
For instance, you must remember that certain felony crimes will immediately eliminate your ability to qualify for Section 8 Housing.
Therefore, you need to find out more about the requirements and restrictions. For instance, individuals convicted of drug trafficking, sex crimes, or violent assault will not be able to get Section 8 housing. Plus, you can’t qualify if you’ve committed certain types of fraud.
If you’ve committed one of these crimes, you’re not going to get Section 8 housing. However, there is a good chance that you qualify.
If you do, you’ll want to apply for a Section 8 voucher as quickly as possible. Just remember that the demand for it is incredibly high.
Therefore, it can be difficult for applicants to get Section 8 rentals. You’ll need to start by contacting the agency in your area. They can help you learn more about the regulations in your state.
You might have to wait a certain time before you can qualify. For instance, you might have to wait seven years after your conviction before qualifying.
Your local agent can help you apply for Section 8 housing. Again, the process will be lengthy because the demand is so high. You should expect to wait between 6 months and 2 years.
While this is a good solution for some, it is not a wise decision for people who need housing immediately. Once you’ve received a Section 8 voucher, you can use it to get a lot of rentals.
Most landlords accept these vouchers. Nevertheless, the landlord has the right to deny you a space due to your criminal record.
Felons With Evictions
Unfortunately, felons with evictions are going to have an even harder time getting a rental. Remember that evictions are going to follow you for the rest of your life. Once you’ve been evicted, future landlords are going to know about it.
They’ll find out about your eviction when checking your rental history. As a result, you’re going to face another hurdle. Thankfully, you can take steps to rectify this problem and prevent it from ruining your ability to find a good rental.
Having an eviction on your record will lead to major issues. Combat this problem by working with your previous landlord. Contact them and offer to pay the amount due. If you damaged any property, you should consider paying for the repairs.
If you don’t have enough money, you can try getting a credit card that you’ll use to cover the costs. After you’ve managed to smooth things over, the landlord may be willing to take the eviction off your credit report.
You’ll also want to ask your prior landlords if you can use them as references.
Depending on the situation, you might owe a previous landlord thousands of dollars. A lot of felons will not be able to afford the costs.
Nevertheless, it is wise to do what you can to resolve the problem. An eviction is going to make it more difficult to get a suitable rental.
Therefore, you should work with the landlord to resolve the problem. You might be able to create a payment plan so you can pay the landlord over time.
Once you’ve covered the costs, you can get the eviction removed from your record. After that, it’ll be significantly easier to get another rental.
Talk To Local Agencies
It is often difficult for felons to get affordable rentals. Thankfully, certain state agencies can help you find suitable rentals. Individuals living in Tennessee should contact the Tennessee Housing Development Agency.
The group offers comprehensive housing services. Usually, the local HUD agency works with felons to ensure they have access to affordable rentals.
These agencies tend to manage the Section 8 housing program as well. Therefore, you might be able to solve two problems at once.
Work with this agency closely to see what it can do for you.
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Mental Preparation For Your Apartment Search
When you begin looking for a rental, you’re likely going to run into numerous hurdles. It happens. Unfortunately, the problem is going to be worse because you have a felony conviction on your record. Nevertheless, you have to find a good rental in your area.
Therefore, you should continue working hard until you get a good rental. The search can be tedious and stressful. With this in mind, you need to mentally prepare for it.
For instance, you should start by accepting that you’re going to run into roadblocks. There is a risk that you’re going to be turned down numerous times. It happens. Don’t let this hold you back. You’ll also want to be honest with the landlord.
Most of them are going to conduct background checks to ensure that the applicant is a good renter. If you lie about something and the landlord finds out, it is going to look bad. The landlord may believe you were intentionally being deceptive. Be truthful to avoid such problems.
Although it can be difficult, you shouldn’t get mad. Remember that the landlord is trying to do the right thing for themselves. Even if you’re a good person, your history may prevent you from getting the rental. It likely had nothing to do with you as a person.
Instead, it was your past. Don’t hold a grudge. When people learn that you’re a felon, they may suspect that you’re a violent offender. Others may believe you’re a sex offender. Most felons are not violent.
Therefore, you should do your best to understand this to the landlord. Let them know that you did. It is best to be truthful and upfront about it. If you can make a good impression, you’ll have a better chance of getting the apartment. Never lie about it or get mad.
Talk To People You Know
Felons have to harder and longer to get great apartments. In some cases, you might even have to pay more. Unfortunately, you cannot change the past. When you begin searching for apartments, you should use your connections to your advantage.
For instance, you should begin talking to friends and family members. In all likelihood, these individuals have rented apartments in your area. Some of them might rent right now.
Therefore, you might be able to use this to your benefit. Someone you know might have information about an open apartment in your city.
If their apartment complex has an opening, they can put in a good word for you. They’ll prove to be a good reference and boost your chances of getting the job. At the very least, your friends can give you hope. Let them guide you in the right direction.
Ask Around Work
Whether you’re a felon or not, you have to work to live. You need to work diligently to ensure that you can afford your bills and groceries.
With this in mind, you might be able to use your work relationships to your benefit. You’ve likely developed friendships with the people you work with.
If so, you can use them to help you find suitable rentals. The individuals might know about rentals in your area. They can tell you more about openings in your city. Plus, you’ll appreciate that these people can help provide you with good references.
In some cases, you might work with someone who owns an apartment. Since they already know you, they might be willing to give you an apartment. Talk to the people you know at work. If you’re lucky, they’ll give you a chance to rent one of their apartments.
Getting Your Felony Expunged
Even if you apply for felon-friendly housing apartments, there is no guarantee that you’ll get one. You need to take steps to ensure that you’re going to have a much better chance of getting the job. One way to do that is by having the record expunged.
Although this is a difficult process, it’ll be worth it. The requirements for expunging a felony will depend on where you live.
In some cases, it might be a good idea to work with an attorney. Either way, you should consider having the felony conviction expunged from your record.
Once you’ve done that, it won’t show up during most background checks. Therefore, you can sleep soundly knowing that it won’t prevent you from getting a good apartment in your area. Talk to an attorney in your area to find out how to expunge your felony conviction.
Let Someone Rent It For You
Many felons have friends and family members who would do anything for them. If you fit into this category, you should use this to your advantage. Your friends will do everything to help you secure a good rental.
Therefore, you should see if they’re willing to help. For instance, your mother or father can rent the apartment for you. You can give them money and let them pay the bill.
The difference is that the apartment will be rented in their name. Remember that there are risks involved. If you damage the apartment or fail to pay your rent, they’re going to be held responsible.
You have to be very careful because you don’t want to create problems for your loved ones. Take care of the apartment. Make sure your rent is paid on time each month. Otherwise, your loved one is going to face repercussions.
Rent With Someone
In some cases, you might be able to rent with someone too. A friend might need an apartment. If so, they might not be a felon. If this is the case, it’ll be easier for them to secure a good rental.
You’ll want to let them put the rental in their name. Then, you can help pay rent. When doing this, your criminal record may not prevent you from renting.
Again, your friend is going to be responsible for the rent of an apartment. Try to take care of it to the best of your ability to avoid causing problems for your buddy.
Weekly Hotels
As inflation causes rent to soar, more and more people are turning to hotels and motels. There is no doubt that some American hotel chains offer fabulous weekly rates. Initially, the weekly rate was implemented for people who were working out of town.
Today, people from all walks of life have made their homes in hotels. This includes people who have a felony conviction or arrest or are on their criminal record.
The great benefit of staying in weekly hotels is no criminal background check. You simply cover the weekly fee, and you have a room.
Of course, you can expect to be asked to provide the hotel with a valid driver’s license or another photo identification card. Once you are set up, you can stay in the hotel forever or until you stop paying the weekly fee.
Most weekly motels are fairly affordable for one person or an entire family. However, some motel chains will charge an extra fee for additional guests over the traditional two. In other words, the initial rental fee will be only slightly higher for three or more guests.
Obtaining a room at a weekly motel is genuinely no different than paying for an overnight stay. Guest services will request a valid ID, vehicle license plate number, and the number of guests.
There is no background check, but hotels are required by law to report any signs of identity theft to their local law enforcement agency.
Newspaper Classified Ads
While traditional advertising like newspaper classified ads is not as commonplace as they once were, some landlords still utilize them. People with felony criminal records oftentimes feel threatened by the residential rental process.
This is why some felons tend to live on the streets or in their vehicles. It can be an intimidating process when you have a criminal record. There is always the concern of being embarrassed due to being denied an apartment or flat.
The good news, state, and federal governments protect people from being discriminated against when applying for a rental.
A great rental source is your local newspaper. As previously mentioned, some landlords prefer traditional advertising to online advertising. Whatever the case may be, it is a good idea to check out your local newspaper classified ads.
Real estate agents also utilize local classified ads to advertise open commercial and residential spaces.
You can also utilize your local newspaper classifieds to advertise your need for a rental property. Classified ads are not only affordable, but they have the tendency to reach hundreds or thousands of local citizens. If you opt to go this route, you need to be upfront about your situation.
It is not always important to advertise your criminal record to the public. However, concealing this important information from a landlord would not play in your favor.
Real Estate Firm
Investors acquire rental properties in metropolitan areas because they offer potential higher profits. Instead of handling the application process, some investors turn to real estate brokers.
Most cities, towns, and even rural areas have at least one real estate broker. Nearly all real estate agencies deal in all kinds of properties. This includes rentals and properties for sale by the owner.
If you are serious about finding a rental property, you should start with your local real estate firm(s). Most real estate agencies have websites, where they list their available properties.
You can narrow your search to real properties only to speed up the process. Select several rentals before reaching out to an agent. This will give you more leverage in a high-demand rental market.
You can also hire a real estate agent to help you find a suitable apartment. Real estate agents are good at what they do, which is to help people find their new dream homes. They also have connections to rental property investors.

Robert Eric (a lover of Cats and Dogs) is the co-founder of HireFelonsJobs. In our search for a better life, after… A platform was created for the purpose of easing the search for ex-convicts.