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Does Kelly Service Drug Test?

Because Kelly Services works with such a broad spectrum of companies, “Does Kelly Service drug test?” isn’t a straightforward question to answer.

Kelly Services is a staffing agency providing temporary and contract staff to a wide variety of industries and government agencies. Kelly Services also connects employers with qualified candidates for temp to hire and permanent positions.

When you get a job through Kelly Services, you could work on one of their contracts as a Kelly Services employee, or directly for an external employer. And companies hiring employees and contracting staff through Kelly Services all have differing drug testing policies.

Luckily, Kelly Services has a drug testing policy that gives some general insights, so let’s start there.

Does Kelly Services Drug Test in 2025?

Does Kelly Services Drug Test

According to their Drug-Free Workplace And Substance Abuse Policy, Kelly Services carries out drug testing for commonly abused illegal drugs and alcohol.

Kelly’s policy indicates that drug testing is carried out at the request of their customers.

So whether you have to take a drug test will depend on employer requirements.

Unfortunately, Kelly Services doesn’t include drug testing information on all of their job listings, although we’ve seen some with a bold notice up at the top stating that no drug test is required.

Unless you see a listing with that type of clear notice, it’s best to assume that a drug test is going to be a pre-hire requirement.

A quick call to a Kelly Services recruiter should give you the information you need, but obviously, don’t give them your personal details and out yourself as a drug user.

Does Kelly Drug Test During Employment?

Yes, they do. Their drug testing policy makes this very clear.

In addition to pre-employment drug tests, Kelly Services reserves the right to test in a number of ways. This doesn’t mean that you will definitely face these extra tests, but that the possibility exists, so it’s something you should keep in mind.

  • Pre-assignment Drug Test

When you take a new assignment through Kelly Services, you may have to take another drug test if the new employer requests one.

For example, you may have been working temporarily in one job and passed the drug test for that employer. Then the assignment ends and Kelly Services finds another placement for you. If that employer wants a drug test, you’ll have to be tested again.

  • Reasonable Cause Drug Test

A reasonable cause drug test is carried out when an employer believes that you’ve come into work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or that you’ve taken something on the premises.

Actions that would lead to a reasonable cause drug test include falling asleep, uncharacteristic anger or argumentative behavior, dropping things or excessive clumsiness, paranoia, impaired movement, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and smelling of drugs or alcohol.

  • Post Accident Drug Test

If you’re involved in an accident at work, your employer may want to carry out a drug test to find out if drug use was a factor in causing the accident.

If anyone was injured in the accident, drug testing is likely because the employer will seek to protect themselves from any insurance claims or workers’ compensation claims.

Some states place restrictions on post-accident drug testing (see below).

  • Random Drug Testing

Random drug testing is exactly what it sounds like. You can be asked at any time to submit a sample for a drug test.

Random tests are more likely if you’re working in a dangerous environment where safety has to be a top priority. The threat of a random drug test helps to ensure that workers are drug-free when they’re on the job.

  • Periodic Drug Tests

Periodic drug tests may be carried out at annual physicals if the job requires them.

What Drug Test Does Kelly Service Use? – Saliva Or Urine?

Kelly Services uses urine and saliva drug tests depending on the requirements of employers.

When a saliva sample returns a positive result, an additional urine test is required to confirm the result.

Positive drug test results are passed to a Medical Review Officer (MRO) who will ask candidates for more information to determine if there is a legitimate reason for the positive result.

What Drugs Does Kelly Services Test For?

What Drugs Does Kelly Services Test For?

Their drug testing policy indicates that both 5-panel and 10-panel drug tests are carried out.

Ultimately, the drugs tested for will vary depending on the needs of the employer, which means you won’t know what the test will be until you take it.

However, for drug tests in Hawaii, they specify that a 10-panel drug screen with an alcohol test is required.

Substances Tested For On A 5-Panel Drug Test

A 5-panel drug test is a test used by most employers. Unless you’re applying for a safety-sensitive position or a role at a government agency, this should be the drug test you have to take.

  • Opiates
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines and methamphetamine
  • Marijuana
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

Saliva Test Detection Window

If your drug test is a saliva test, the drug detection window is fairly short – up to 48 hours since your last use. However, marijuana may be detected for longer with heavy use.

Urine Test Detection Window

Urine tests have the following drug detection times:

  • Opiates – up to 4 days
  • Cocaine – up to 4 days
  • Amphetamines and methamphetamine – up to 4 days
  • Marijuana – up to 30 days (heavy use can be even longer)
  • Phencyclidine (PCP) – up to 14 days

Additional Substances Tested For On A 10-Panel Drug Screen

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Barbiturates
  • Methadone
  • Methaqualone
  • Propoxyphene

In some states, Ecstasy and Oxycodone are also tested for. Kelly Services tests for those drugs in Montana, Vermont, Iowa, Hawaii, and in Boulder, Colorado.

Saliva Test Detection Window

  • Benzodiazepines – up to 48 hours
  • Barbiturates – up to 48 hours
  • Methadone – up to 72 hours
  • Methaqualone – up to 72 hours
  • Propoxyphene – up to 72 hours
  • Ecstasy – up to 72 hours
  • Oxycodone – up to 48 hours

Urine Test Detection Window

  • Benzodiazepines – up to 7 days
  • Barbiturates – up to 7 days
  • Methadone – up to 72 hours
  • Methaqualone – up to 4 days
  • Propoxyphene – up to 72 hours
  • Ecstasy – up to 5 days
  • Oxycodone – up to 4 days

Additional Rules On Drug Testing At Kelly Services

Additional Rules On Drug Testing At Kelly Services

Some states have drug testing requirements that employers have to follow which places limitations on when and how some categories of drug testing may be carried out.

California – Post-accident testing is allowed only when the accident results in a fatality or an injury requiring off-site medical attention. Or when damage to property or equipment exceeds $5000. Random drug and alcohol tests are only carried out for safety-sensitive positions.

California (San Francisco) – No on-site testing. Reasonable cause testing is only permitted if the employee is impaired and presents an obvious danger to others.

Boulder, Colorado – The drug testing requirement must be stated on the application form or the job listing. Urine samples are unobserved. Post-accident testing only when there is reasonable suspicion that drug use is involved.

Connecticut – Post-accident drug tests only when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence. Random drug tests are only permitted when allowed by law, or if the employee is in a designated high-risk or safety-sensitive position. Urine samples are unobserved.

Iowa – Post-accident drug tests only when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence and the accident results in a reportable injury or more than $1000 of property or equipment damage.

Massachusetts – Random tests are only permitted if the employee is in a safety-sensitive position.

Minnesota – No on-site testing. Employees failing a first drug test cannot be fired unless they have refused the opportunity to take part in a rehab program.

New Jersey – Random drug tests only allowed for safety-sensitive positions.

Rhode Island – Post-accident testing only when an employer has a reasonable suspicion that an employee is impaired due to drugs. No random drug testing unless required by federal law. An employee with a first drug test failure will be referred to a substance abuse professional and further drug testing may be required. Urine specimens will be unobserved.

Vermont – No on-site testing. Drug tests will only be carried out after a conditional offer of employment and the applicant has received notice of the drugs to be screened for. Post-accident drug testing is only allowed if the employer has reasonable cause to believe drugs were involved.

What Kind Of Drug Screen Does Kelly Services Use?

Kelly Services use saliva tests and urine tests depending on the needs of the client company. If a saliva test is positive, a second drug test will be carried out on a urine sample.

In line with state laws, client companies can request a 5-panel drug screen for opiates, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines & methamphetamine, and phencyclidine (PCP). Or a 10-panel drug test which screens for everything on the 5-panel test and benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, methaqualone, and propoxyphene. In some states, oxycodone and ecstasy will also be tested.

Does Kelly Services Drug Test On-Site?

Kelly Services uses on-site drug testing if state laws allow it. Applicants and employees may also be directed to provide a sample at a local clinic or a sample collection site.


When you apply for a job with Kelly Services, you should expect a drug test unless the job listing states that one will not be required.

Kelly services conduct drug tests in line with their clients’ needs and you could be asked for a saliva sample or a urine sample. Samples will be screened using a 5-panel or a 10-panel drug test.

Most employers use the standard 5-panel drug screen, but if the job you’re applying for is a government role or a safety-sensitive role, you may be screened for additional substances.

When you’re thinking about applying for a job with Kelly Services, it’s a good idea to call and speak to a recruiter without giving your details and ask them if a drug test is required.

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