With more and more fitness centers opening their doors across America, many people have found themselves wondering, does Planet Fitness drug test.
This is not only a good question for future employees to consider, but this is an excellent question for potential future patrons to consider. You certainly do not want an impaired individual trying to spot you with 200 plus pounds above your head.
Whether you are considering future employment with the fitness giant or future membership, it is important to understand its rules, regulations, and employee guidelines. Are the machines cleaned thoroughly? Do they offer the latest, most advanced lifting techniques?
There is no sense in spending your hard-earned money with a company that isn’t going to offer you the best. Either way, here’s what you need to know about Planet Fitness and its employee policies.
A Brief Background On Planet Fitness
Before you start learning all about Planet Fitness and its employee policies, it is imperative to take a minute and learn more about the company.
Virtually a newbie to the fitness industry, the company only started showing up on the radar in 1992. This was about the time they opened the doors to their first fitness center. The brand began its long journey in the state of New Hampshire.
It wasn’t long before their techniques and superb commitment to fitness started shining through. Their well-thought-out business plan shined through as well, with the following of new centers all around the world.
It wasn’t long before Planet Fitness had a total of 1600 fitness centers spread out across the United States. They swept the nation with their captivating fitness routines and dedication to the industry.
Things have changed a bit over the years, but the centers now offer access to two different prime memberships. The first cost $10 a month and offers access to gym equipment and facility amenities.
The second will run you a bit more at $22 a month, but it offers more exclusive access to trainers and fitness experts.
With a fitness trainer, you can take your health into your own hands and develop a specialized workout routine that fits perfectly into your life.
Why Apply For A Position At Planet Fitness?
If you are dedicated to your health and fitness routines, it is probably more than evident why you should apply for a position with Planet Fitness.
When it comes to the fitness industry, whether it be access to the latest products or exclusive access to new machines, they are right at the forefront. Planet Fitness is one of the first clubs to get its hands on all the new exclusive fitness technology.
Not only this, but they offer their employees top-of-the-line benefits and support. With employment at any Planet Fitness club, you will be given a free membership, paid holidays, paid sick leave, and a more than flexible work schedule.
Are there specific days of the week that you need off? Are you unable to work past a certain hour?
Not a problem! Planet Fitness is well known for working around its employees. As an employee, you will not only be granted access to all this but there will be more than ample opportunities for advancement.
You can start at the very bottom of the food chain and work your way to the top. All it takes is a bit of hard work, commitment, and dedication.
Positions Available For Employees
Just because you like to lift weight or stay in shape, it doesn’t mean that Planet Fitness is the employer for you. They might not even offer the type of working environment or career advancement you are looking for.
One should never sell themselves short, and the best way to prevent doing just that is by understanding what the company can offer you. Take a quick look at the positions available within this fitness family.
Member Services Representative – The member service representative is about as basic of a position as it gets.
However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t an important position that plays a crucial role in the long chain of fitness activity. As a member services rep, you’ll likely be the first and last person the customers see.
You’ll be the one sitting behind the counter, answering questions, fielding concerns, and peddling merchandise. For a position like this, you will likely need a high school diploma or GED.
Fitness Instructor – As you can likely imagine, the fitness instructor is the individual in charge of the customer’s fitness routines.
You will not only assist and spot customers in lifting routines, but you’ll help customers develop personalized exercise and workout regimens that fit perfectly into their lives.
It might vary from center to center, but a position like this not only usually requires industry experience, but it may require a college degree.
This is an excellent position to start your long and journeyed career because you’ll likely be given access to exclusive benefits and perks for bringing along additional members to the club.
Branch Manager – Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could be the manager? Unfortunately, that’s not the case because most people aren’t suited for this position.
This position will not only take previous industry experience, but it might require coming down hard on employees in specific situations.
As a branch manager, it will be your job to ensure the smooth and successful operation of your fitness facility.
This might include everything from scheduling and checking machine maintenance to overseeing fitness instructors.
You will report directly to the big dogs of the industry, and they will expect you to meet certain expectations every month and year.
Accounting And Finance – With CPA experience and financial background, you might even be able to secure a job with Planet Fitness in the financial and accounting department.
It will be your job to keep track of and recommend the financial decisions of the company. You might even raise high enough in the ranks to oversee the opening of new branches.
Marketing – Speaking of opening new branches, it must be someone’s position to get out there and promote and test the waters. Would it be wise to open a center in the mid-western portion of the United States?
Where would be the most potentially financially gainful location to open new centers? How can we make out advertising more effective while spending less money? These will be your questions to answer as a member of the marketing department.
Does Planet Fitness Drug Test + It’s Testing Policies
Most people will be relaxed to know that Planet Fitness does not require pre-employment drug testing. This means you aren’t required to take any kind of drug test before being granted a position within the company.
However, this might be the case for all positions. When you get up into upper management and security positions, you will likely be required to take a pre-employment test.
Although the company does not require pre-employment testing for most positions, they do reserve the right to test employees when they see fit.
This means that before you are granted a position within the company, you will have to sign a paper that gives your authorization to be tested whenever the company wants to.
In most cases, you won’t be tested unless there is an incident. If you are injured on the job or one of the customers suggests that you are using, you will likely be thrown a test.
Related; Does Subway Drug Test Employees?
The Planet Fitness Hiring Process
As with most companies and positions, the employment process is going to start with filling out an application. These days, this is something that will likely be done over the Internet.
Depending on the facility’s needs and the position you are applying for, the process might be long and arduous. If the company is in quick need to fill a position, you can obviously expect the process to be much smoother and more straightforward.
Start by filling out an application and if you are considered, you will likely be called in for an interview. After the interview, you will likely know if you are going to get the position or not. They may tell you that if they are interested, they will contact you within the week.
Unfortunately, if you get this response, it probably means you aren’t going to get the job.
If you are granted the position, you will likely know right after the interview. They’ll probably give you all the requisite paperwork and start checking your references that very day.
See Also: Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test?

Robert Eric (a lover of Cats and Dogs) is the co-founder of HireFelonsJobs. In our search for a better life, after… A platform was created for the purpose of easing the search for ex-convicts.