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Does Manpower Drug Test?

Manpower is an employment agency providing short and long-term temporary employment, temp-to-hire opportunities, and permanent job placements.

If you’re looking for work, they can get you into a new position quickly. Job seekers that can pass a drug test will have the widest pool of opportunities to choose from, however, Manpower also works with companies that don’t require any pre-assignment drug testing.

Let’s get into some details and find out: When does Manpower drug test? What kind of drug test do they use? And a look at Manpower’s drug and alcohol policy.

Does Manpower Drug Test During The Hiring Process in 2025?

Does Manpower Drug Test

You’ll have to pass a drug test at Manpower if their client asks for one. Manpower works with thousands of companies and they all have their own drug testing requirements.

Some clients don’t ask for pre-assignment drug tests while others do. If a drug test is required, it’s usually listed on the job description page.

If a drug test is required, you could be asked to take a test at the Manpower office after your interview or asked to attend a nearby medical facility.

What’s Does Manpower’s Drug And Alcohol Policy Say?

Even though you’ll be working at client sites, you’re a Manpower employee and you’re subject to Manpower’s policies.

The Manpower Associate Handbook details the substance abuse policy that you’ll need to follow once you accept an assignment.

This policy covers illegal drug use, prescription drug use, and alcohol use, and follows applicable state laws.

Manpower prohibits drug or alcohol use at work or possession of drugs or alcohol in the workplace. You’re also forbidden from inappropriate use of prescription medication or impairment due to your medication.

Manpower associates cannot buy, sell or distribute drugs or alcohol at the workplace.

If a manager or supervisor suspects that you’re in violation of the policy in any way, you can be asked to take a reasonable suspicion drug or alcohol test.

Besides being seen using drugs or alcohol, you’ll be at risk of a reasonable suspicion drug test if your appearance or behavior suggests that you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

You can also be asked to take a drug test after a workplace accident.

The policy mentions the possibility of random drug testing and periodic drug testing if allowed by state law, and states that some clients may require post-assignment drug testing.

It’s not clear what they mean by post-assignment drug testing, but it’s most likely referring to drug testing when a client terminates your employment for cause, before the end of the agreed period.

What Type Of Drug Test Does Manpower Use?

If a drug test is required, you will be asked to take an oral test (mouth swab), a urine test, or a hair follicle test.

Mouth swabs and urine tests are the most common types of pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, and post-accident drug tests.

The type of test you need to take will depend on the client. If you’re applying for a driving position that’s regulated by the Department of Transportation, the drug test will always be a DOT-compliant urine test.

If the job listing you’re interested in states that you need to pass a drug screen and you know you can’t pass at the moment, look for a position that doesn’t require a drug test, so you can work while you get drugs out of your system.

To pass a swab test, you’ll need to abstain from most drugs for 48 hours.

A urine test can detect drugs for longer depending on the drug used. Here are the general detection windows for commonly abused illegal drugs.

  • Opiates – up to 4 days
  • Cocaine – up to 4 days
  • Marijuana – up to 90 days depending on the level of use
  • Amphetamines and methamphetamine – up to 4 days
  • Phencyclidine – up to 14 days
  • Benzodiazepines – up to 7 days
  • Barbiturates – up to 7 days
  • Methadone – up to 72 hours
  • Methaqualone – up to 4 days
  • Propoxyphene – up to 72 hours
  • Ecstasy – up to 5 days
  • Oxycodone – up to 4 days

A hair follicle test has a long detection widow for all drugs and you’ll need to abstain for 90 days to pass.

What Happens If You Fail A Drug Test At Manpower?

What Happens If You Fail A Drug Test At Manpower?

If you fail a pre-assignment drug test, you won’t be placed with the company.

A refusal to take a pre-assignment drug test, however, will not result in termination from Manpower. You won’t be eligible for that particular assignment, but you can still apply for other jobs.

Failing a reasonable cause, post-accident, or random drug test will lead to termination. Then you’ll need to wait for 6 months before you can reapply to Manpower. You’ll also need to pass a drug test and may be required to enroll in or complete a rehabilitation program.

Where state laws allow, failing a post-accident drug test can lead to the loss of workers’ comp benefits. Failing a drug test may also be classed as misconduct and could make you ineligible for unemployment benefits.

If you refuse to take a random, reasonable cause, periodic, or post-accident drug test, you may be removed from your assignment and your employment with Manpower may be terminated.

Can You Fail Manpower’s Drug Test If You Use Prescription Drugs?

You can’t fail a drug test if you’re taking prescription medication as ordered by your doctor. The medication needs to be on a current prescription though.

If you stored up meds from an old prescription to take from time to time and then had to take a drug test, you would test positive for a substance that you don’t have a valid prescription for.

As a Manpower employee, you’re required to notify your manager or on-site supervisor if you’re taking any prescription or over-the-counter medication, that could cause impairment and affect your performance or present a safety risk.

Does Manpower Allow Medical Marijuana?

While medical marijuana is legal in many states, it’s still an illegal schedule 1 drug at the federal level and Manpower does not allow the use of medical marijuana at work. If you’re under the influence of medical marijuana at work, you’ll be required to take a drug test and if the test is positive, you’ll be subject to disciplinary action.

Manpower’s substance abuse policy, however, mentions that the company will “reasonably accommodate Associates who use marijuana or marijuana products in accordance with the applicable state medical marijuana program to the extent required by law”.

Manpower doesn’t elaborate on what that statement means, so you’ll need to check on the medical marijuana employment laws for your state or city to know what to expect.

For example, in New York state, under the 2021 Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, employers cannot discriminate against employees who use marijuana in a legal manner outside the workplace, and who are not under the influence of the drug at work.

So in the state of New York, you can’t be denied employment if you test positive for marijuana on a pre-employment drug test. But if you displayed behavior that led to a reasonable suspicion drug test you wouldn’t have any legal protection.

Marijuana laws are changing, and as a medical marijuana user, you should keep a close eye on the regulations passed by your state or city.

Summing Up

Manpower does not allow associates to use, possess, or distribute drugs or alcohol in the workplace. This prohibition includes medical marijuana.

A pre-employment drug test may be required, depending on the client’s needs, before you can begin an assignment.

You’ll also be subject to reasonable cause and post-accident drug testing, and you may be asked to take a periodic drug test or a random drug test.

Failing a drug test is grounds for termination, but if you refuse a pre-assignment drug test, you’ll still be eligible to apply for other jobs with Manpower.